13th Annual Martini Tasting Masquerade Ball

Dear Friends of Rotary,

Twin Falls Rotary After Hours is ramping up for our 13th Annual Martini Tasting Masquerade Ball! SAVE THE DATE February 21, 2025 at Twin Falls Fairgrounds Merchant Bldg. #3. Our theme this year is “50’s Sock Hop”! Gaming tables are such a huge hit we will have them again as well! There will of course also be music, dancing and delicious custom libations.


Idaho Playground Project is this year’s beneficiary; The Idaho Playground Project aims to give every child equal access to play experiences through playgrounds, toys, books, and games.


Your sponsorship is needed more than ever! Sponsorship benefits include your name/logo of business based on sponsorship in event brochure, complimentary tickets based on level, logo on event posters, your business name/logo on placards for silent auction items and appetizers.  MC makes numerous sponsors shout out announcements throughout the evening.

To find out more about sponsoring the event or how to participate visit our website at: Sponsorship Options

We appreciate your continued support!
Twin Falls Rotary After Hours




Martini Registration Form

Sponsorship Options