Martini Tasting Masquerade Ball Sponsorship Levels
Idaho Playground Project is this year’s beneficiary; Idaho Playground Project, empowers lives through PLAY! They help raise awareness and funds for adaptive playground equipment, so every child has equal access to play. We CANNOT do it without YOU!
Your sponsorship is needed more than ever! Sponsorship benefits include your name/logo of business based on sponsorship in the event brochure, complimentary tickets based on level, logo on event posters, and your business name/logo on placards for silent auction items and appetizers. MC makes numerous sponsors’ shout-out announcements throughout the evening.
Our sponsorship goal this year is $50,000 and we need your help. We are looking for businesses to sponsor this event. Attached to this letter, you will find a list of sponsorship packages. Each sponsorship level includes many benefits for your business, as a way for us to thank you for your generosity.
If you have any questions or would like to confirm your sponsorship, please contact me at 208-320-1515 or at Thank you for being so supportive.
Jennifer Cook, Event Chair Committee
Twin Falls Rotary Club After Hours
Sponsorship Levels
Corporate Sponsor ($5,000):
- 2 VIP Tables + 12 Complimentary Tickets
- Tables have more perks items – bottle of wine, charcutier tray, goodies, etc
- Comfortable chairs
- Tables located in a central area
- 1 Gaming Table of your choice
- $25,000 funny money
- Logo on banner
- Logo on all print material – posters, tickets, etc
- Full Page Ad in Event Brochure
- MC highlights at every break at the event
Platinum Sponsor ($2,500):
- 1 VIP Table + 6 Complimentary Tickets
- Table has more perks items – bottle of wine, goodies, etc
- Comfortable chairs
- Table located in a central area
- $10,000 funny money
- Listed on event Poster
- 1/2 Page Ad in Event Brochure
Gold Sponsor ($1,250):
- 6 Complimentary Tickets
- Listed on event Poster
- 1/4 Page Ad in Event Brochure
Food Sponsor ($1750) SOLD
- 8 Complimentary Tickets
- Banner at Food Tables
- Listed on event poster
- ½ Page Ad in Event Brochure
- $5000 Funny money
Venue Sponsor ($1,000): SOLD
- Silver Sponsor items +
- Banner at entrance of building
- Listed on event poster
- Shout-outs
Table/Chair Sponsor ($750): SOLD
- Silver Sponsor items +
- Company name/logo on all tables
- Shout-outs
Silver Sponsor ($500):
- 4 Complimentary Tickets
- 1/8 Page Ad in Event Brochure
Band Sponsor ($750): 2 spots available SOLD
- Bronze Sponsor +
- Shout-outs
- Banner on band stage
Photobooth Sponsor ($500): SOLD
- Bronze Sponsor +
- Company name/logo on photos
- Shout-outs
Bronze Sponsor ($250):
- 2 Complimentary Ticket
- Business Card Size Ad in Event Brochure
Brochure Sponsor ($75):
- Listed in Event Brochure
We also have numerous options for VIP Tables including VIP Gaming Tables. All tables include 1 bottle of wine, and “Funny Money Gambling Starter Pack”, VIP tables will be located close to the dance floor and will also include a centerpiece to take home, specialty items and other goodies.
Reserve & Purchase any VIP Tables (including Funny Money) at this LINK.
VIP Table Only – seats 8 $500
VIP Gaming Table Black Jack – seats 6 $600
VIP Gaming Table Poker – seats 8 $700
VIP Table + Gaming Table Black Jack – seats 6 $850
VIP Table + Gaming Table Poker – seats 8 $900